


Let it Drip

Drip irrigation also known as trickle irrigation is a relatively new technology in Kenya. Irrigation is a process of mechanically putting water in the farm. There are different types of irrigation such as flood, sprinkler and basin irrigation. Drip irrigation is the most effective type of all irrigations yet. This is because water is applied directly to the plant. It can be on the soil surface and subsurface.

drip irrigation
A kitchen garden that uses drip irrigation

If one has a kitchen garden one can easily use a used water bottle for drip irrigation. In larger farms perforated pipes are used as water is dispensed from one point then circulated into the farm. Drip irrigation to become so effective it has several merits such as;
·         It reduces the chances of foliar diseases and infections on the plant.
·         It saves on manpower on the farm reducing operating costs.
·         When well regulated it reduces water wastage and it is not affected by wind
·         It can be used during fertigation, a process where fertilisers are mixed with water to be applied on the plant.
·         Water erosion and weed growth is reduced as water application is localized.
·         There is uniform application of water.
·         Fertiliser and nutrient loss is reduced as leaching of soil decreases.
·         Gravity is a natural force that can be used in distribution of water reducing energy costs on the farm.

It also has its disadvantages for instance;
·         Initial installation and maintenance of the pipes is quite expensive.
·         Clean up of water pipes after harvest is costly

One thing to note is that clean water free of soil particles or potable water has to be used or otherwise it will clog the pipes. All other factors constant the returns on drip irrigation are high and are able to cover up for the expenses incurred.

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