



There are key features that are important in the prosperity of a farm as they help in running the farm activities. Some of these features are observable in a typical farm. this very items are important for a first-time farmer. If you already farming you may consider some items for addition in the farm.

Soil test- For a farmer who wants to reap maximum benefits from his farm, this is crucial. It helps determine the soil pH and nutrient content. This will enable a farmer to know which crops to grow and the types of fertilisers to incorporate and other soil additives. A soil test can be carried out at Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation(KALRO) formerly known as KARI or a reputable Agricultural institute
Tools- There are basic tools in a farm such as rakes, machete, hoes, wheel barrow, water pipes or buckets.
Storage tanks/ water pans- Important for meeting water deficiencies. See  Rain Water Harvesting 
Stock control system-To keep the farm well stocked buying of new stock is inevitable. An inventory of all the stock will help in keeping record of old and used-up stock. This will go in the long run to  reduce wastage and save on farm costs.
 Records system- This is quite different from the stock control system as it keeps a record of the farm activities as a wholesome. It will help a farmer note down seed bags , harvest per season ,spoilage and total farm costs and revenue. A farmer will be able to observe harvest patterns and note any improvement. The export
Farm structures-Apart from the main farm structures, a farmer should have special structures. These structures can be used to accommodate animal young ones and also for soil-less propagation.
Store space- A farm  should have a store for keeping well labelled pesticides and fertilisers. The store can also be used for keeping of store tools.
Consultation- A farmer should consultation persons such as veterinary doctors or extension officers. These personnel are quite helpful during calving or in case of crop disease infestation
Financial backup- It can be in form of insurance or an emergency fund. This is quite useful in times of disasters such as floods or disease infestation. Also when the yields are low and the market pricing is low this is really beneficial to a farmer.
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